A Feasibility Study on Various Tilt Angles to Exploit Solar Energy on a Building Rooftop
Research Article
Renewable Energy, Building Energy, Rooftop PV, Tilt Angle, Rooftop solar systemAbstract
Energy is the basic need in our daily life. It is also important how we produce energy. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and have some environmental problems. Renewables especially solar energy is the key to a cleaner future. Luckily, Turkey has a very rich solar energy potential to use sun in generating energy. Along with the solar thermal collectors to supply hot water, photovoltaic panels have been growing a lot in recent years in Turkey. They are used to produce electricity on rooftops of the buildings. This paper focuses on tilt angle; one of the main parameters to install panels on a roof area to get the optimum energy yield. The installed capacity, potential electricity generation, financial aspects are calculated and assessed for two different tilt angles. A software is used to compare 30° and 13° tilt angles. The results reveal 42.168 kWh more energy production and 199.197 kWh less total loss for 30° tilt angle. While the carbon dioxide emission reduction is 495 tons more for 30° tilt angle throughout the 25 year project lifetime, the payback periods of the two angle are almost same.
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