ZeroBuild Journal Volume 3 is Published!
The January 2025 issue of ZeroBuild Journal, featuring scientific studies in the field of Zero Energy Buildings, has been published.
Zero Energy Buildigs, Energy Efficient Buildings, Renewable Energy For Buildings, Building Energy Performance
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Prof. Dr. Ümit ÜNVER
e-ISSN: 2980-0048
The January 2025 issue of ZeroBuild Journal, featuring scientific studies in the field of Zero Energy Buildings, has been published.
ZeroBuild Journal announces the appointment of Prof. Dr. M. Ziya Söğüt as the new Editor-in-Chief, succeeding Prof. Dr. Nurdan Yıldırım, to whom we extend our heartfelt gratitude for her remarkable contributions.
Articles published in the ZeroBuild Journal have open access and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.