Investigation of the Effect of Building Shell Colors on Energy Performance in Different Climate Zones
Exterior wall color, Energy consumption, Heating energy, Cooling energy, Energy efficiency, Climate conditions, Emission, ReflectanceAbstract
This study investigates the effects of building exterior wall colors on heating and cooling energy consumption. Analyses conducted in four different climate zones of Turkey (Erzurum, Antalya, Konya, Konya and Balıkesir) reveal that there are significant differences in energy efficiency between black, white, yellow and dark blue wall colors. In the study, the energy performance of a sample building and the effect of building envelope color on solar radiation were analytically calculated. Black shell color is good for saving energy for heating, while white shell color is good for saving energy for cooling. Depending on the climatic conditions, the most suitable wall colors for Erzurum, Konya and Balıkesir are black or dark colors, and white or light colors for Antalya. This study highlights the strategic importance of color selection in building design to reduce energy consumption. The results show that light colored building envelope reduces the cooling load by 51-76% and increases the heating load by 6-28%. On the other hand, the dark building envelope increases the cooling load by 50-76% and reduces the heating load by 18-41%.
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