Impact of Household Electric Appliance Utilization Preferences on Energy Costs under Varied Tariffs: An In-depth Analysis
electrical appliances, electricity tariff, energy bill, tariff management, electrical items, choosing the right tariffAbstract
In this research, the effects of the preference of using electrical items on the energy bills of households according to three-time and single-time electricity tariffs were examined. A survey was created to determine the usage period of household items and was applied to 50 households. Considering the data obtained from the survey, two different electrical item usage scenarios were prepared. In the scenarios, tables were created considering that the electricity consumption is the same, but the usage intervals of electrical items during the day are different. The results show that if a 3-term tariff is used with conscious energy consumption, the energy bill will be paid 75 ₺ (approximately 17%) more than an unconscious consumer.
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